I am a currently creative director for Weber State University living in Ogden, UT. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic design and ceramics from The University of Kansas. I have 20+ years experience working in the graphic design world. My strengths are print layout, brand identity, typography, web design and letterpress. I enjoy creating art in a variety of mediums, creating custom stamps and carving linoleum to print on my presses. I am a skier, rock climber, a yogi, a backpacker, a world traveler and a lifelong learner.
Connect with me on LinkedIn and follow my art and printing adventures on Instagram @LittleDorisPress.
Client list
Meyer Wood Studio
Accessible Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Systems
Ranchland Trust of Kansas
Community Mercantile Education Foundation
The Nature Conservancy of Kansas
Lawrence Modern
Depot Redux
Wilton Enterprises
Kansas Art Education Association